Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Ruffles Shrug

Thank you for all the supporting comments about my first ever dress. It really boost my knitting speed but then after knitting it for a while I got bored again. Now I'm on the 7th repeat of the cable pattern. I'm counting every now and then but sad to say I still got to knit another 5 repeat to reach the waist line. I don't think I can ever finish it by end of the month. Sigh.

I'm on leave yesterday and managed to visit Brenda. Of course I can't leave without getting some books and yarn. I bought 2 books on crochet from the Lets Knits Series. By just looking at the cover I know I must get these books (LOL).

Guess what, since getting the book I can't help myself from starting another project. Its another crochet project. This time its a ruffle shrug. After checking on Mimi's shrug I told myself I want to have one too. Well, since I'm no expert in crochet I'm now just worried that I might have trouble with the ruffles. Here's the progress so far. Its a fast one and hope to have another FO soon. Its feel like ages since my last FO.


Ruth said...

how pretty!!!

Mimi said...

It's so great that you can crochet, there are so many nice designs out there.

Sarah said...

Beautiful! I'll check back to see it finished!